
UN CSW67 Side Event: Empowering Women Micro-entrepreneurs in the Digital Age

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New York

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Public event
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<p>Micro-enterprises contribute significantly to economies and societies, and are the dominant form of employment in <strong>low-and middle-income countries (LMICs)</strong>. It is estimated that in emerging markets, there are over 400 million micro-enterprises, including up to 345 million informal micro-enterprises.&nbsp;</p><p>In low-income countries, <strong>88% of working age women earn income through self-employment</strong>, yet they are more likely than men to be disadvantaged when it comes to accessing resources to start, run and grow a business. Mobile phones are a crucial tool for supporting female micro-entrepreneurs, providing them with access to markets, business services, resources and information that they would not be able to easily access otherwise.&nbsp;</p><p>However, <strong>in LMICs, women are 16% less likely than men to use mobile internet</strong>,18% less likely than men to own a smartphone and 28% less likely than men to own a mobile money account . Urgent action is needed to bridge the mobile gender gap to ensure that women micro-entrepreneurs are able to realize the significant benefits that mobile can provide and that they are not being left behind in an increasingly connected world.&nbsp;</p><p>This session brings together the public and private sector, the international development community and civil society to discuss the challenges and opportunities for <strong>empowering women micro-entrepreneurs through mobile</strong>. It aims to inform and inspire action for improving the digital and financial inclusion of women micro-entrepreneurs, delivering benefits not only for the women themselves but also for economies, communities and households.</p>

Empowerment of women in the Digital Age through Entrepreneurship and Partnerships

Location info

New York

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Public event
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<p>Women represent half the population of the world but their share in the economy is very low. Inclusive development and gender equality are musts for sustainable development. Both in the public and private sectors, there is a need for more women to be among the suppliers in the procurement, and women remain strongly underrepresented in trade.&nbsp;Support of private sector and public authorities will be a big step forward to enable women's access to economy and markets. At the parallel event, good examples of partnership of private sector, NGO, municipalities and international organizations will be shared to inspire participants. These models can be easily applied in other countries. Both public procurement and gender friendly local environment are means of support of Municipalities.&nbsp;</p>

Digital Export Enablement Programme (DEEP) for ASEAN Small Businesses
With DEEP, MSMEs from ASEAN will take full advantage of the digital trade opportunities to grow and scale their business internationally.

Embracing new digital trade opportunities

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Google and the International Trade Centre (ITC) collaborate for the Digital Export Enablement Programme (DEEP) for small businesses in the ASEAN region (Association of Southeast Asian Nations).

By equipping them with digital, export-relevant skills, the programme will help 1,000 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) from across ASEAN member states to grow their business internationally. 

We see a future where every small business from ASEAN can take full advantage of digital trade opportunities to scale their business internationally.

Driven by our belief in the power of cross-border commerce, DEEP is facilitating a unique cross-border entrepreneurial journey for small businesses from Southeast Asia, by delivering a series of trainings, access to digital platforms and practical workshops/sessions that will strengthen the capacity of MSMEs from 10 ASEAN markets and will enable them to engage in cross-border digital trade.

The hybrid training programme will cover the fundamentals of market research as well as developing skills in digital marketing and creating digital export strategies for firms. 


Why should small businesses apply? 

You’ll become part of a network of entrepreneurs and experts, and benefit from: 

  • Coaching on market research to identify and compare trade opportunities;

  • An online self-driven e-commerce course tailored for small businesses;

  • Access to a global e-commerce community of free resources;

  • Coaching on digital marketing (only for the most motivated 150 businesses!);

  • Access to Google ads credits and/or Google consultation support for eligible SMEs;

  • A certificate from ICC, Google and ITC upon completion of the programme.

If you’d like to participate in the programme, you must: 
  • Be a micro, small or medium-sized business of up to 100 employees. 

  • Be located in one of the ASEAN countries (Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam).

  • Have at least one business online channel (website, marketplace store, social media account).

  • Have a strong interest in/or plan to explore markets in the ASEAN region and beyond. 

Companies are invited to apply by April 30th. Applications will be reviewed by the Programme Steering Committee (ICC, Google, ITC) according to the criteria. The training will start in mid-May for a duration of 3 months. More detailed information will be provided to successful firms in the application process. 

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SheTrades Global


The SheTrades initiative at the International Trade Centre (ITC) has changed the economic lives of three million women in 30 countries by connecting them to markets. We have opened 12 regional hubs across Africa, Asia, South America, the Caribbean and Europe, and we continue to grow.

The initiative centres on empowering women engaging in international trade and creating a women-inclusive fairer business ecosystem. We help them overcome barriers and, with them, identify areas that urgently need to be addressed.

Our flagship event, SheTrades Global, brings together women entrepreneurs from all these regions. For women whose businesses are ready to export, they have a unique chance to connect meet potential buyers, investors and partners.

Previous editions of SheTrades Global — held in Ethiopia, the United Kingdom, Türkiye, Brazil, Rwanda, Mexico, and China — included representatives from over 85 countries and generated over $80 million of new business for women entrepreneurs. 

Participation is free.

Unfortunately, after careful consideration of events over the past two years, as well as consultation with beneficiaries and stakeholders, ITC decided to cancel the 8th edition of SheTrades Global.

The SheTrades Initiative, and our partners in this endeavor, remain fully committed to continuing to create opportunities for women to trade across our collective, global portfolio. Please refer to for information on our numerous opportunities and events, and for updates.

As the African Continental Free Trade Area prepared to begin, the conference heard how the common market needs to deliver for women.

Read about the event

The conference was featured at the 2018 International Business Festival, a major global festival of trade and investment held every two years in Liverpool. The Festival attracted industry leaders, international delegations and companies from across the world looking to expand their trade footprint.
This year will highlight four sectors – beauty and wellness; IT and business-process outsourcing; textiles and apparel; and tourism.

Read remarks by the ITC executive director

See the winners of the SheTrades Investment Challenge

Before becoming SheTrades Global, the conference was known as the Women Vendors Exhibition and Forum (WVEF). This is the premier global event to get inspired, do business and create lifetime opportunities for women entrepreneurs by providing training, improving skills and facilitating meetings with buyers.

Gambian woman smiling at the camera in front of a wall of colourful fabric bags behind her on shelves
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SheTrades Rwanda marks impressive project results 2
SheTrades Rwanda marks impressive project results 2
Two people discussing products at a trade fair in Morocco
SheTrades Morocco SIAL 2022
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The premier global business event to connect women entrepreneurs with potential buyers, investors and partners to grow their exports

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Facts and figures

$350 million
of new business and investment transactions by small businesses
1.4 million
registered users of ITC’s global public goods
days of training to over 70,000 beneficiaries
100 cases
of trade-related policies introduced to support small business
participants in ITC’s SME Trade Academy

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises

With our support, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) who need strengthening can become competitive and capture more value and opportunities from trade.

We tailor solutions for MSMEs that reflect their specific needs, such as those of  informal and small-scale producers, aspiring exporters in the formal economy, MSMEs with potential for a higher proportion of exports, active exporters with demonstrated capacity to trade, enterprises that trade indirectly by integrating into value chains, and woman and youth entrepreneurs who face specific challenges.  

Reducing global poverty  and enhancing economic security are only possible with competitive MSMEs. Our programmes, projects and tools are designed to amplify MSME firm-level capacities to trade, work toward a more supportive business ecosystem, support more conducive policies and regulatory environments and provide business, trade and market intelligence.

Business support organizations

ITC works with business support organization (BSOs), including regional, national and sub-national entities charged with supplying trade and investment support services to their MSME members.                                                                                                               

We provide benchmarking, diagnostic tools and advisory services. We strengthen BSO governance, managerial, operational and strategic capacities. We work with BSO networks, including cross-border ones, by developing joint strategies, addressing overlaps and gaps, and increasing the effectiveness of the ecosystem.                                 

We offer management training and skills development, enable access to finance and investment, provide guidance in implementing environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, increase digital literacy and e-commerce capabilities, facilitate cooperation between enterprises, and advocacy.  


Policymakers are important ITC clients. We support governments on their trade development strategies and making policy and regulatory environments more favorable for micro, small and medium- sized enterprises (MSMEs).    

We work to strengthen policymakers’ understanding of MSME needs in relation to e-commerce and digitalization, and creating environments conducive to e-commerce development at the national, regional and multilateral levels.                                       

We provide tools for evidence-based business decisions, policymaking and advocacy. We facilitate access to information on trade dynamics, market access conditions, analytical products and services, growth potential and policy choices, possible business partners and business operations.  

Nine smiling Philippine men and women wearing teal green polo shirts holding stuffed toys
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Our clients are micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, business support organizations and policymakers around the world. Together, we work to improve trade competitiveness, reduce poverty, and strengthen economies.

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Business support organizations
Small businesses