Trade Map

    ITC’s Trade Map is an online database on international trade statistics, providing an array of useful indicators on export performance, international demand, alternative markets and the role of competitors from both the product and country perspectives.


    ITC’s Trade Map: A wealth of international data

    ITC’s Trade Map covers the annual trade flows (mirror and direct and re-export data) of over 220 countries and territories and 5,300 products defined at the two, four or six-digit level of the Harmonized System, an internationally standardized system of names and numbers to classify traded products.

    It also offers different trade indicators (values, quantities, trends, market share and unit values) and time series since 2001. The tool is user-friendly and displays results in table, graph or map formats. Search results can easily be exported to an excel file.

    Trade Map provides a unique experience of browsing monthly and quarterly trade data. With constant updates from developed and developing countries for both goods and services, Trade Map helps identify the latest trends in international trade. Trade Map also has company information to allow users to find and contact potential suppliers and buyers. Besides our vast network of national data providers, the Trade Map team cooperates with UN Comtrade for trade and Kompass and Dun&Bradstreet for company data.


    Trade Map Video playlist

    ITC contact

    marketanalysis [at]