Global: Development of innovative e-commerce support

Asia Marketplace Explorer


The COVID-19 pandemic altered shopping habits and business models, especially for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises across Asia. E-commerce showed unprecedented growth as businesses and consumers turned to digital channels. To document this online landscape, the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the International Trade Center (ITC) and the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences undertook a regional study to create a unique database mapping the traffic volumes and characteristics of a selection of Asian marketplaces.

The Asia Marketplace Explorer (AME) brings together these three freely available and innovative dashboards. They allow wide analysis of goods-oriented marketplaces, on both a business to consumer and a consumer to consumer model.

These innovative dashboards were developed by the ITC ecomConnect team, ESCAP, and the Centre for Market Insights of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

This tool follows previous efforts by ITC to map online marketplace activity with the Africa Marketplace Explorer launched in 2020 and the Latin America and Caribbean Marketplace Explorer launched in 2022.

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Key indicators by country

Traffic (trend) analysis

Characteristics of individual marketplaces

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The landscape of B2C online marketplaces for physical goods in Asia

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Global: Development of innovative e-commerce support
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>With this funding from USAID we aim to extend how the ecomConnect programme can be accessed by additional audiences &ndash; with the opening of the first &ldquo;ecomConnect Hub&rdquo; which will offer a support programme and tools adapted to the local needs of a particular country.<span>&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>In addition we will improve the tools offered by the programme &ndash; the recently launched payment solution finder will have its coverage of payment providers and geographies increased, the Marketplace Explorer will add additional regions (Latin America and Caribbean) and the &ldquo;track me&rdquo; tool will benefit from improvements that will help us to implement ecommerce results tracking more widely in future projects.</p>

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