
Trade Strategy Forum 2024: the Imperative for Effective Trade and Investment Support Networks

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<p><strong>Second edition of the Trade Strategy Forum 2024 to Address Imperative for Effective Trade and Investment Support Networks</strong></p><p>In a global landscape where economic development hinges on international trade and competitiveness, the importance of robust support networks cannot be overstated. This will be the central theme at the second edition of the Trade Strategy Forum scheduled to be held in Geneva on March 14-15, 2024.&nbsp;</p><p>Key stakeholders, including decision-makers from both public and private sectors, will convene to deliberate on the critical role of organizations and institutions in shaping countries' economic trajectories. From trade and investment promotion bodies to central banks and education departments, these entities collectively drive competitiveness and growth by shaping regulatory frameworks, fostering trade relationships, and supporting enterprises.</p><p>The challenges faced by such organizations, particularly in developing nations, are multifaceted. Navigating complex regulatory landscapes, addressing infrastructure gaps, and managing limited resources pose significant hurdles. But arguably the most challenging obstacles to the strategic continuity of their support initiatives are leadership transitions, evolving ministerial objectives, and volatile political climates.&nbsp;</p><p>The repercussions of a dysfunctional Trade and Investment Support Network (TISN) are far-reaching, impacting foreign direct investment, export competitiveness, transaction costs, integration in global value chains, access to international markets, country branding, and entrepreneurship opportunities.</p><p>The forum will aim to address these challenges head-on, focusing on key questions such as the determinants of an effective institutional network, strategies to address challenges faced by support organizations, requirements for achieving collaboration and coordination, international best practices in TISN governance, and emerging trends and innovations in trade support.</p>

Simplifying your trade journey with Digital Tools- Global Trade Helpdesk and Trade4MSMEs

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<p>ITC, WTO and its partner agencies are thrilled to invite you to a free open webinar "Simplifying Your Trade Journey with Digital Tools”, featuring the <a href="https://globaltradehelpdesk.org/en">Global Trade Helpdesk</a> and <a href="https://trade4msmes.org/">Trade4MSMEs</a&gt; in English.</p><p>Join us for an open discussion on how these free digital tools can be your compass in navigating promising markets and turning your export plans into reality.</p><p>Whether you're a seasoned exporter or exploring international trade, this webinar is tailored to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed for success. Uncover new opportunities with the Global Trade Helpdesk and make efficient and data-driven decisions with Trade4MSMEs.</p>

ITC @ AfriCaribbean Trade and Investment Forum 2023

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<p>ITC contributes to the annual AfriCaribbean Trade and Investment Forum (30-31 October 2023, Georgetown, Guyana) with a side event co-hosted with Afreximbank on “Unlocking Agribusiness Potential: Strengthening Caribbean-Africa Trade and Investment Relations.” ITC also supports the participation of trade and investment promotion agencies and small businesses from West Africa and the Caribbean in B2B and B2G meetings and through an ITC booth.</p>


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<p><strong>This webinar aims to discuss the following:&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>The recently concluded EU CBAM Regulation and relevance for Central Asia’s trade,&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>National and regional level efforts that can be explored to facilitate compliance with the CBAM and move towards low carbon supply chains, and&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Explore trade and investment policy tools that can be leveraged to facilitate the transition to low carbon trade in the long term.</strong>&nbsp;</p>