
ITC offers a range of online tools to make global trade more transparent and facilitate access to markets. These tools will help you identify export and import opportunities, compare market-access requirements, monitor national trade performance, and make well informed trade decisions.



Trade regulations and procedures represent a major source of obstacles to international trade and a particular challenge for small and medium-sized enterprises. The International Trade Centre’s Trade Obstacles Alert Mechanism (TOAM) is a tool to support businesses to overcome such trade...


NTM Business Surveys: Giving small companies a voice. ITC’s Business Surveys on Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) gather evidence from the ground about unnecessary trade costs that non-tariff measures can cause. The NTM Survey covers at least 90% of the total export value of each participating country...


Trade Briefs: The Global State of Trade. The International Trade Centre’s monthly Trade Briefs series brings together the most recent ITC data and research and presents it in a user-friendly, customizable, web-based format. Each issue explores monthly variations in goods exports across...


ITC’s Procurement Map provides detailed information for public tenders and contract awards. This tool offers a route to foster entrepreneurship and seek new market opportunities. Users can easily identify potential buyers thanks to an intuitive search based on target country and economic sector.