Trade Forum

The in-depth digital knowledge platform of the International Trade Centre explores export development and trade issues in developing and least developed countries. The contributions focus on trade promotion and export development as part of the International Trade Centre’s technical cooperation programme with developing countries and economies in transition.


14 Jan 2013

ISSUE 04/2012 This autumn the International Trade Centre (ITC) has organized several events to ensure that growth, innovation and inclusion stay on top of the global trade and development agenda. At the World Export Development Forum 2012 (WEDF), held in Jakarta on 15-17 October and hosted by...

14 Jan 2013

Women entrepreneurs across Africa are generating employment and adding value to exports in innovative ways, yet they face a host of challenges, such as limited access to export training, market information and finance, in addition to other barriers women face in the business environment.

14 Jan 2013

The Global Women Vendors Exhibition and Forum (WVEF) helps women entrepreneurs create new business contacts and develop revenue-making opportunities for their companies, but who are the attendees and what stories do they have to tell about their business experience and views on women in business?

14 Jan 2013

Women-owned businesses are doing well. There are over 8 million in the United States of America generating US$ 1.2 trillion in revenue through the hard work of almost 8 million employees, according to the 2012 State of Women-Owned Business Report by American Express Open, a business service and...

14 Jan 2013

Women are the backbone of society. They provide for families and societies, and in doing so create shared core values. Women are also reliable vendors, which means sourcing from women vendors is good for business, good for families and good for societies, an excellent win-win-win equation. In...

14 Jan 2013

Norway requires that its partners in development cooperation, whether they are governments, international institutions or NGOs, demonstrate that they take women and gender equality seriously. A clear priority in Norway’s Aid for Trade Action Plan is to promote the economic position of women.

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