Trade Forum

The in-depth digital knowledge platform of the International Trade Centre explores export development and trade issues in developing and least developed countries. The contributions focus on trade promotion and export development as part of the International Trade Centre’s technical cooperation programme with developing countries and economies in transition.


13 Jul 2011

Resources on trade and export development for exporters, trade support institutions and policy-makers Market Access, Transparency and Fairness in Global Trade Export Impact For Good Developing countries need to export more in order to boost growth, reduce ...

13 Jul 2011

APEC ministers adopt a new vision for regional growth In November, Asia-Pacific leaders gathered under the theme of ‘Change and Action’ for the 22nd APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Ministerial Meeting in Yokohama, Japan. At the conclusion of the two-day meeting,...

11 Jul 2011

The long-term impact of the changing trade landscape on global value chains is being shaped by changes in standards regimes, exchange rates, investment flows and other key determinants such as climate change. While trading with fast-growing emerging economies such as China, India...

11 Jul 2011

As the recovery from the global economic crisis unfolds, the role of emerging economies and changing patterns of competition are key to the sustainability of world trade growth. Amidst diversifying markets, changing demographics and consumer-driven demand in developing countries,...

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