Trade Forum

The in-depth digital knowledge platform of the International Trade Centre explores export development and trade issues in developing and least developed countries. The contributions focus on trade promotion and export development as part of the International Trade Centre’s technical cooperation programme with developing countries and economies in transition.


5 May 2015

We live in a time of staggering humanitarian crisis. There are now more than 50 million people living as refugees worldwide, fleeing conflict and climate change. The international community is required to provide more support than ever before. Many countries view an influx of refugees ...

5 May 2015

Trade in services and e-commerce have experienced immense growth in recent years, with more and more goods ordered over the internet. However, most consumable goods still need to be physically moved one way or another and the majority are transported by sea. Ocean-going ships...

1 Apr 2015

Tout entrepreneur rêve de diriger une entreprise prospère. Alors que les empires mondiaux sont réservés à une minorité, le fait de trouver du soutien et d'en recevoir peut rendre le succès plus accessible à un plus grand nombre. Au cours des dernières...

23 Jan 2015

Issue 02/2015 Sowing the seeds of food security Few so-called superfoods have received as much attention as quinoa in recent years. Originating from and grown mostly in South America, it is hailed for its nutritional value and for being easily cultivated in different...

14 Jan 2015

For the first time the International Trade Centre (ITC) held its annual World Export Development Forum (WEDF) in Africa in 2014. On 15-17 September more than 1,000 delegates from across the world came to Rwanda’s capital, Kigali, to discuss how trade can spur development. The event, hosted by...

14 Jan 2015

En 2014, el ITC celebró por primera vez su Foro Mundial para el Desarrollo de las Exportaciones (WEDF) en África. Entre los días 15 y 17 de septiembre más de 1.000 delegados de todo el mundo se reunieron en Kigali, Rwanda, para debatir sobre cómo el comercio puede...

24 Dec 2014

Women’s economic empowerment and fashion took centre stage at the United Nations’ New York headquarters on 22 September during a luncheon hosted and chaired by Arancha González, the Executive Director of the International Trade Centre (ITC). The Women Empowering Women event was an...

24 Dec 2014

Trade promotion organizations (TPOs) often have an invisible role, working behind the scenes to help small and medium-sized enterprises to increase exports to global markets. The 10th TPO Network World Conference and Awards, held 3-5 November in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, gave TPOs the opportunity...

169 - 180 of 413 results

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