
AIM for Results: Improving TISI performance and measurement (Phase I)
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>AIM for Results is an intervention approach that strengthens the performance, efficiency and effectiveness of TISIs and builds their capacity to provide more effective support to the internationalisation needs of their clients, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).</p><p>AIM stands for Assess, Improve and Measure. It is a holistic and targeted integrated three-step-approach focusing on measurable results in order to improve the managerial, operational and service delivery performance of TSIs. The three pillars of AIM are offered either as a single module or as a complete performance improvement programme, depending on the needs of the beneficiary institutions.</p><p>&nbsp;In 2017, the project aims to improve the operational and managerial performance of 40 TISIs applying ITC&rsquo;s AIM For Results methodology.</p>

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Inclusive trade: Youth and Trade initiative
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Louzada Alarcao Sobral


Empowering youth through trade


Training of youth entrepreneurs in Guinea on traceability

ITC’s Youth and Trade Programme supports young people and youth-owned micro, small and medium-sized enterprises The programme takes a market-led approach to building up youth entrepreneurship and employability skills, and plays a key role in the development of conducive entrepreneurial environments by equipping young people with the resources, skills and networks they need to engage in entrepreneurship or find meaningful employment.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are at the nexus between youth and trade. With SMEs accounting for most jobs in developing countries, they are well placed to hire local youth and provide on-the-job training. In addition, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are often established by youths taking the initiative to start their own business.

Our Youth and Trade Programme focuses on unlocking the developing potential of youth entrepreneurs by working along four pillars of intervention seen below.

Kick for Trade

Sport for Development


Young people playing football

ITC's Sport for Development initiative uses sports to foster the socio-economic inclusion and development of youth, as well as develop the skills that are essential for gaining and sustaining employment. 

The Kick for Trade curriculum has two modules: employability and entrepreneurship. Both focus on key life skills to succeed in the labour markets such as self-confidence, communication, analysing and solving problems, teamwork, discipline or adaptability.

The Ye! Community provides a global network for youth. To date the community is home to more than 30,000 members from 178 countries through the online platform and its in-person, offline Ye! Chapters. With Ye! Community, youth entrepreneurs have access to events, opportunities, tools, country guides, mentors, and e-learning content. Ye! Community supports young entrepreneurs to overcome barriers to accessing networks, expertise and information.

The Youth and Trade Programme works with organizations on the ground such as hubs, incubators, accelerators, trade promotion organizations, government ministries, and youth networks to enhance their programmes directed at youth. ITC engages directly with ecosystem enablers to enhance their services through training and providing access to finance, de-risking the investment ecosystem. By improving the services that local organizations provide and supporting them to collect age-disaggregated data, ITC’s Youth and Trade Programme ensures that youth entrepreneurs are supported at every stage of their entrepreneurial journey and are working in ecosystems adapted to their business and personal growth.

Working with corporations, mature small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and investors, the Youth and Trade Programme strengthens the links between youth-led businesses and companies that can support them to scale their growth, provide services or products at a discount, and/or further embed them into global value chains. ITC works to create these links between youth entrepreneurs in the global south as well as ITC’s international network.

Critical to ITC’s work on youth is empowering and elevating their voices on the global stage. Through its vast network of partners and the Ye! Community, ITC directly connects with the needs of youth, and builds its projects and programmes with youth inputs. ITC empowers youth voices by empowering youth inclusion in key spaces and providing visibility and exposure for youth agents of change through the Ye! Community and opportunities with partners around the globe.

The ITC Youth and Trade programme’s Ye! Community has given me the platform to use my voice to promote the needs of my own enterprise and that of my peers.
The ITC Youth and Trade programme’s Ye! Community has given me the platform to use my voice to promote the needs of my own enterprise and that of my peers.
Aisha Ali
Founder i-Profile Foundation, Uganda & Ye! Advisor to ITC for Uganda
Ye! was instrumental in helping me improve my entrepreneurial skill set. My international experience with the Ye! programme helped broaden my horizon and it helped me adopt best practices in other countries.
Ye! was instrumental in helping me improve my entrepreneurial skill set. My international experience with the Ye! programme helped broaden my horizon and it helped me adopt best practices in other countries.
Chino Atilano
Co-Founder & CEO of TimeFree, Philippines & Ye! Advisor to ITC for the Philippines
The Ye! Community’s mentoring initiative “Ye! Coffee Roulette that pairs entrepreneurs with mentors has helped me to digitize my business, design smart internal processes and decision-making, and they have expanded my personal skillset as a leader. My company is forever changed.
The Ye! Community’s mentoring initiative “Ye! Coffee Roulette that pairs entrepreneurs with mentors has helped me to digitize my business, design smart internal processes and decision-making, and they have expanded my personal skillset as a leader. My company is forever changed.
Julius Odida
Youth Initiative for Economic Transformation (YIET)
I have been on the Ye! platform for over a year now. This experience has enabled me to expand my network with other entrepreneurs. I have met new coaches who have guided me to tackle some challenges in my business, such as improving my brand image, relating with customers and establishing better distribution channels.
I have been on the Ye! platform for over a year now. This experience has enabled me to expand my network with other entrepreneurs. I have met new coaches who have guided me to tackle some challenges in my business, such as improving my brand image, relating with customers and establishing better distribution channels.
Mechi Amaah
Founder of Black n’ Natural Cosmetics, Cameroon


Creating a competitive force for the future
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<p>A COMPETITIVE FORCE FOR THE FUTURE</p><p>ITC&rsquo;s Youth Moonshot is expected to change the trade narrative from the bottom-up by developing solutions that are grounded in local realities. By combining expertise through country projects, sectoral approaches, data and research, and direct connection with youth, the initiative will offer a comprehensive toolkit for youth economic empowerment through trade. This approach seeks to build momentum to establish a strong alliance of stakeholders committed to supporting youth to benefit from the transformative power of trade.</p><p>Over four years, ITC will support diverse groups of youth, including vulnerable populations. ITC will work with policy makers, BSOs, finance providers and other partners to nurture a supportive ecosystem for young entrepreneurs, building the knowledge, skills, and networks that young people need to succeed.&nbsp;</p><p>Youth is one of the five impact areas of ITC&rsquo;s 2022-2025 Strategic Plan, identified as being critical to delivering an inclusive, prosperous and sustainable future.&nbsp;</p><p>Youth and Trade&rsquo;s Vision for 2025 is:</p><p>1. ITC is recognised as an agenda-setter on empowering youth to trade</p><p>2. Through ITC support, BSOs, market partners and financial institutions develop world-class services for youth</p><p>3. Youth are able to tap into better economic opportunities by leveraging trade channels</p><p>4. ITC is a trusted and effective partner to deliver on the aid for trade and youth economic empowerment agenda</p><p>5. ITC has an effective coordinated response to addressing the trade and youth challenge</p>

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State of Palestine: Enhancing self-employment of refugees and youth in Gaza through digital channels
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Go Digital: opening doors for young Gazans 

A young woman attending a Go Digital training is writing on a board
A young woman attending a Go Digital training is writing on a board
Go Digital

Digital technologies offer Gazan youth, women, and displaced people new work opportunities, opening the door to international markets and needed income.  

Organizations and companies across the world are powering up their digital capabilities. ITC’s project is helping Gazans take advantage of this growing marketplace. 

This is a crucial step for a population that has experienced multiple cycles of violence as well as the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in more poverty, less food security and increased economic vulnerability. 

In previous project phases, 125 youth, including 84 women, managed online transactions and sales, sold high-quality services through digital marketplaces, secured sales of almost $80,000, and formed two freelance agencies. 

Our current phase III will improve the technical and digital skills of youth, boost the ability of educational services to produce online curricula, and bolster the digital capacity of entrepreneurs. 

Visit Go Digital's website.

Project phases III

The project provides technical training on translation, SEO, bookkeeping, mobile app development (react.Js), web development (WordPress), and UI/UX (Flutter).

The project provides technical training and incubation support for entrepreneurs as well as business linkages with potential business partners across the globe. 

The project will also build the capacity of graduates of schools of education to develop and deliver quality professional online learning courses by integrating modern pedagogy and web-based technology. 

Our clients

We are building the capacity of institutions to make an impact on the local and global innovation ecosystems. This includes vocational training programmes, connecting members to commercial opportunities and reaching out to and integrating entrepreneurs in their networks.  

We are providing targeted business support services such as ITC’s Trade Accelerator model, which is a framework to support entrepreneurs in partnership with local partners to improve the performance and growth of new businesses. 

We are offering technical and vocational training to a selected group of youth in the use of digital channels as an innovative way to connect with clients, gain jobs and access new markets.  

We are creating linkages between local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and students from the digital marketing course. Students will provide online marketing support to SMEs and start-ups.

During a Go Digital training, I was able to get online job offers from companies in UAE, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.
During a Go Digital training, I was able to get online job offers from companies in UAE, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.
Mohammed Abu Saqr
Digital marketing trainee

Go Digital success stories

Go Digital

Go Digital 2 16 March 2022

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The Gazan population continues to suffer from longstanding Israeli occupation and poor socioeconomic conditions. In the past decade, the Gaza Strip experienced three wars; these left many people internally displaced. Moreover, like elsewhere, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought a negative shock to Palestinian socioeconomic development, putting at risk public welfare, employment and livelihoods, leading to more poverty, no food security and social cohesion. Living conditions were already difficult in Gaza, with every second person there living below the poverty line before the Covid-19 crisis.</p><p>Through its theory of change, this project helps unlock the potential of refugees, youth, local communities and SMEs in the Gaza Strip to improve their livelihoods and economic conditions. In doing so, the project contributes to social stability and provides support in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. It does so by supporting employment and enhancing the employability of women and youth, including refugees and internally displaced people. The project focuses on freelancing skills and self-employment, as investing in this sector is an effective way to boost the Gazan economy, considering the complicated political context and the de facto lack of Gazan control over the borders and the implications of the pandemic.</p>

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