Global: Enhancing Transparency and Traceability of Sustainable Value Chains (Phase II)



    The project aims to enhance sustainability in global value chains through improved traceability and transparency. Building on a previous EU-funded initiative (2019-2024) focused on garment and footwear industries, it involves ITC jointly implementing activities with UNECE (incl. UN/CEFACT). In the first phase, ITC developed a social audit data-sharing platform in collaboration with the Social and Labor Convergence Program (SLCP), reducing auditing costs and promoting responsible business practices within production facilities in developing and emerging markets. The current phase responds to increased demand for transparency solutions in global value chains, by strengthening and deepening the results of the previous project in the garment and footwear sector (including expanding to adjacent sectors) and expanding efforts to other sectors (such as beef and bovine hides industries) using ITC's Sustainability Map technology. The project will newly target areas where transparency solutions can have significant impact and also cross-benefit from ITC’s ongoing work related to deforestation-free value chains.


    Sustainable Development Goals

    This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

    ITC contact

    walterova [at]