Collecting data on women in extra-EU services trade in selected EU Member States



    The project aims to provide EU decision makers with solid evidence base on women's participation in extra-EU trade in services, shaped to be used as input for enhanced inclusion of the gender dimension in free trade agreements. This will facilitate the adoption of trade policy instruments conducive to increasing women's engagement in trade in services. 

    The work will entail:

    • Documenting the gender-structure of EU-based firms exporting services (in terms of management/ownership/employment); as well as 
    • Identifying the obstacles that hinder women's engagement in extra EU-trade in services.

    The method developed in the framework of the project can be replicated in other countries, and it can thus play a crucial role in closing the data gap on women's participation in international trade. 

    The main component of the project is a survey that will contribute to better understand the participation of women in extra-EU trade in services, in terms of employment, management and ownership of exporting companies. Challenges faced by women and men-managed exporters of services will be identified at the partner country and exported service level. The survey will provide the results of relevance at the EU level and at the sub-sector level.


    Sustainable Development Goals

    This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

    ITC contact

    mfiladoro [at]