Trade Forum

The in-depth digital knowledge platform of the International Trade Centre explores export development and trade issues in developing and least developed countries. The contributions focus on trade promotion and export development as part of the International Trade Centre’s technical cooperation programme with developing countries and economies in transition.


10 Dec 2013

Espoir d'un Accord sur la facilitation des échanges lors de la Neuvième Conférence ministérielle de l'OMC La Neuvième Conférence ministérielle de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) a eu lieu à Bali (Indonésie) du 3 au 6 décembre 2013. Un résultat satisfaisant de la conférence...

10 Dec 2013

Au moment de la publication de cette édition du Forum du commerce international, les négociations sont en cours en vue de la préparation de la neuvième Conférence ministérielle de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce à Bali (Indonésie) début décembre 2013. En tête de liste se trouve le...

10 Dec 2013

ITC’s Executive Director Arancha González sets out the benefits of the new agreement on trade facilitation, which helps small and medium-sized enterprises in developing and least developed countries in their export efforts.

10 Dec 2013

ITC’s Executive Director Arancha González sets out the benefits of the new agreement on trade facilitation, which helps small and medium-sized enterprises in developing and least developed countries in their export efforts.

10 Dec 2013

ITC’s Executive Director Arancha González sets out the benefits of the new agreement on trade facilitation, which helps small and medium-sized enterprises in developing and least developed countries in their export efforts.

265 - 276 of 413 results

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