Forum de Comercio

La plataforma de conocimiento digital del Centro de Comercio Internacional explora el desarrollo de las exportaciones y las cuestiones comerciales en los países en desarrollo y en los países menos adelantados. Las contribuciones se enfocan en la promoción del comercio y el desarrollo de las exportaciones como parte del programa de cooperación técnica del Centro de Comercio Internacional con los países en desarrollo y las economías en transición. 


13 Jun 2024

Forum de Comercio se reunió con la ex-Directora Ejecutiva del ITC, Arancha González, para reflexionar sobre su etapa en el ITC, así como para conocer su perspectiva sobre el panorama comercial actual. La Sra. González estuvo al frente de la organización entre 2013 y 2020. 

13 Jun 2024

Forum de Comercio se reunió con la ex-Directora Ejecutiva del ITC, Patricia R. Francis, para reflexionar sobre su etapa en el ITC, así como para conocer su perspectiva sobre el panorama comercial actual. La Sra. Francis estuvo al frente de la organización entre 2006 y 2013. 

11 Jun 2024

Forum de Comercio se reunió con el ex-Director Ejecutivo del ITC, Jean Denis Bélisle, para reflexionar sobre su etapa en el ITC, así como para conocer su perspectiva sobre el panorama comercial actual. Ya jubilado, el Sr. Bélisle fue el Director Ejecutivo que más tiempo estuvo al frente...

Clients and staff of MiBank in Waigani Central branch, Papua New Guinea. ADB finance sector work in the Pacific has a strong focus on the SME sector and reducing the SMEs finance gap.
2018 Gerhard Joren/ADB
20 Apr 2024

Forum de Comercio conversó con la Vicepresidenta del Banco Asiático de Desarrollo, Fatima Yasmin, sobre cómo los bancos de desarrollo de los pequeños Estados insulares en desarrollo pueden tener un impacto positivo en la difícil situación financiera de estas economías vulnerables y en sus...

28 Jun 2023

For Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day 2023, we celebrate small entrepreneurs from all over the world. Small businesses account for 90% of the world's businesses, 60 to 70% of employment, and 50% of the global economy. They contribute to local and national economies and to the...

27 Jun 2023

For Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day 2023, we celebrate small entrepreneurs from all over the world. Small businesses account for 90% of the world's businesses, 60 to 70% of employment, and 50% of the global economy. They contribute to local and national economies and to the...

27 Jun 2023

For Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day 2023, we celebrate small entrepreneurs from all over the world. Small businesses account for 90% of the world's businesses, 60 to 70% of employment, and 50% of the global economy. They contribute to local and national economies and to the...

24 Jun 2023

For Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day 2023, we celebrate small entrepreneurs from all over the world. Small businesses account for 90% of the world's businesses, 60 to 70% of employment, and 50% of the global economy. They contribute to local and national economies and to the...

23 Jun 2023

For Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day 2023, we celebrate small entrepreneurs from all over the world. Small businesses account for 90% of the world's businesses, 60 to 70% of employment, and 50% of the global economy. They contribute to local and national economies and to the...

22 Jun 2023

For Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day 2023, we celebrate small entrepreneurs from all over the world. Small businesses account for 90% of the world's businesses, 60 to 70% of employment, and 50% of the global economy. They contribute to local and national economies and to the...

Small Business champion Tanzania
22 Jun 2023

El 27 de junio de cada año, se celebra el día mundial de las MIPYME. Para celebrarlo, Forum de Comercio conversó con los dos ganadores del concurso Small Business Champions del 2022 para saber más sobre sus innovadores proyectos ganadores, que están relacionados con el cambio climático y...

22 Jun 2023

For Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day 2023, we celebrate small entrepreneurs from all over the world. Small businesses account for 90% of the world's businesses, 60 to 70% of employment, and 50% of the global economy. They contribute to local and national economies and to the...

21 Jun 2023

For Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day 2023, we celebrate small entrepreneurs from all over the world. Small businesses account for 90% of the world's businesses, 60 to 70% of employment, and 50% of the global economy. They contribute to local and national economies and to the...

21 Jun 2023

For Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day 2023, we celebrate small entrepreneurs from all over the world. Small businesses account for 90% of the world's businesses, 60 to 70% of employment, and 50% of the global economy. They contribute to local and national economies and to the...

21 Jun 2023

For Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day 2023, we celebrate small entrepreneurs from all over the world. Small businesses account for 90% of the world's businesses, 60 to 70% of employment, and 50% of the global economy. They contribute to local and national economies and to the...

21 Jun 2023

For Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day 2023, we celebrate small entrepreneurs from all over the world. Small businesses account for 90% of the world's businesses, 60 to 70% of employment, and 50% of the global economy. They contribute to local and national economies and to the...

20 Jun 2023

For Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day 2023, we celebrate small entrepreneurs from all over the world. Small businesses account for 90% of the world's businesses, 60 to 70% of employment, and 50% of the global economy. They contribute to local and national economies and to the...

20 Jun 2023

For Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day 2023, we celebrate small entrepreneurs from all over the world. Small businesses account for 90% of the world's businesses, 60 to 70% of employment, and 50% of the global economy. They contribute to local and national economies and to the...

18 Jun 2023

For Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day 2023, we celebrate small entrepreneurs from all over the world. Small businesses account for 90% of the world's businesses, 60 to 70% of employment, and 50% of the global economy. They contribute to local and national economies and to the...

17 Jun 2023

For Micro-, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises Day 2023, we celebrate small entrepreneurs from all over the world. Small businesses account for 90% of the world's businesses, 60 to 70% of employment, and 50% of the global economy. They contribute to local and national economies and to the...

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