


L'ITC publie sur son portail dédié aux données ouvertes les données de l'IITA (Initiative internationale pour la transparence de l'aide) pour 90 % de ses fonds extrabudgétaires.



The project aims at creating jobs and generating stable income in the craft sector for women and youth artisans, thus contributing to social stabilization and economic development of the region. A market driven approach will be used in order to enable Lebanese craft products gain a better share of...


The Main Implementing Entity of the TIER 2 EIF project is the Uganda Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities (MTWA) with ITC serving as the implementing partner for selected activities foreseen in the project. The Uganda Export Promotion Board and Uganda Tourism Board will be further partners...


Building "Export Bahrain" Project is aiming at the operationalisation of the Bahraini Export Development Centre to become a respected and visible institution that delivers high quality, relevant and impactful services to Bahraini exporters and supports aspiring exporters to...


The action, funded by the EU, aims at providing support to the target countries in ASEAN (Lao PDR and Vietnam), in the area of plant health, and pesticides use and control of the F&V as well as on other plant products supply chains.The overall objective is to improve food safety through better...


The objective of the SheTrades Zambia project is to increase the participation of Zambian women-owned businesses in trade, by increasing their competitiveness and enabling their inclusion in the agricultural and textiles and garments value chains. SheTrades Zambia will advocate for a conducive...


ITC jointly with 16 UN agencies within the framework of the Kigoma Joint Programme, will contribute to development of Kigoma Region in Tanzania.There are six converging and cross-sectoral outcomes of sustainable energy and environment, youth and women’s economic empowerment, violence against...


The aim of the programme is to increase the participation of women-owned businesses in trade in order to increase economic growth and job creation in Commonwealth countries. With interventions at the beneficiary-, firm-, institutional-, national- and inter-national level, it will:  Address...

361 - 372 sur 378 résultats

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