
Les publications de l'ITC sont centrées sur le secteur privé des pays en développement dont elles font entendre la voix en faveur d’un commerce durable. Nous offrons des conseils aux responsables des politiques commerciales, aux organisations d’appui aux entreprises et aux petites entreprises. Nos rapports présentent des perspectives qui permettront de rendre le commerce plus inclusif, plus vert, numérique et compétitif.


31 résultats
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Les Prix Mondiaux du réseau des Organisations de promotion du commerce 2020 ont récompensé des agences nationales de promotion du commerce pour des programmes innovants de soutien aux petites et moyennes entreprises.


Young entrepreneurs face markedly higher barriers than their older peers to access finance and expand their business. The International Trade Centre, through its YE! Community, has surveyed young entrepreneurs to understand their main funding needs and challenges they face when trying to obtain...


To be part of value chains dominated by large global players, small and medium-sized enterprises need a sound business environment, ready access to finance, and institutional support to reach new markets and to defend their interests.This ITC-WTO study explores constraints faced by businesses in 23...


Cette publication du Centre du commerce international (ITC) à l'occasion de son 50ème anniversaire explore les nouvelles opportunités de connecter aux marchés mondiaux les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) des pays en développement, fournit des recommandations pour l'assistance au commerce,...


Literature review of interdependencies between public and private standards. It focuses on how governments could engage with private standards to impact their legitimacy and significance in the market; provides examples of complementarities between public and private standards. Part three of a...


African tech hubs – now more than 1000 across the continent – accelerate digital, social and economic transformation as they support start-ups.   The report examines the COVID-19 impact on tech hubs and offers recommendations for future operations. It surveys 52 tech hubs across...


Ce guide fournit aux gouvernements, aux entités adjudicatrices ainsi qu’aux autres parties concernées, une meilleure compréhension des difficultés auxquelles sont confrontées les entreprises appartenant à des femmes pour participer aux marchés publics. Il propose des outils permettant de...


Climate change creates risks for agrifood exporters as extreme weather events and rising temperatures disrupt supply chains and reduce productivity. Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises also face risks from new policies, regulations and technologies designed to address climate change. Some...


Deeper regional integration goes hand in hand with strengthening processing industries and the internationalization of SMEs.Trade integration within and among regions of African, Caribbean and Pacific Island groups are measured in this study. Regions with the fastest trade integration over the last...


This report encourages artificial intelligence (AI) literacy for small businesses and trade institutions, especially in developing countries, through the lens of publishing. It shows that AI tools empower everyone in the workplace to be publishers – and that leaders can navigate the promises and...


Asia-Pacific businesses call for services business groupings to join forces in a regional coalition, to shape a new APEC services agenda. Services represent 39% of APEC value-added trade – double the figures traditionally cited in balance of payments data. High-level business representatives in...


Pour que les pays en développement puissent exploiter l'économie florissante des services, leurs milieux d'affaires doivent être pleinement associés à l'expansion du commerce des services et à la gestion des questions réglementaires connexes. Le présent ouvrage aide les gouvernements et les...
