


L'ITC publie sur son portail dédié aux données ouvertes les données de l'IITA (Initiative internationale pour la transparence de l'aide) pour 90 % de ses fonds extrabudgétaires.



The Ye! Youth Ecopreneur Program is a global accelerator that powers the green and just transition by investing in young entrepreneurs as catalysts for sustainable development, environmental justice, and advocacy for climate action. The project seeks to enhance the competitiveness and scale of...


In 2016, the establishment of the Arab Countries Trade and Investment Organisations Network (ACTION) under the AfTIAS programme marked a pivotal step towards fostering Arab regional integration. ACTION emerged from the collective ambition of Arab nations to enhance their trade and investment...


This pilot project aims to develop an ITC approach to Indigenous Peoples and Trade (IPT) while taking advantage of the strengths of a women-led indigenous community in Ecuador and a partnership with Columbia University to work on the following: 1) Finalize and enrich ITC's concept on IPT, and...


The project will contribute to the generation of income and employment in El Salvador through exports to the European Union and to Central America . The project will make this contribution via two specific objectives by:Improving the export supply capacity and the sustainability of Salvadorian ICT,...

37 - 48 sur 378 résultats

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