Jordan: Trade for Employment Project:“Improving Business Environment for SMEs Through Trade Facilitation”



    The objective of the Project is to create jobs and increase employment by improving Jordan's cross-border environment, stimulate competitiveness of Jordanian SMEs and foster growth of Jordanian export. The project is articulated around nine (9) outputs:

    1. Output 1: A National Trade Facilitation Roadmap for Categories B & C is developed and validated
    2. Output 2: TFA article 1.2 - information available through internet is implemented by establishing and operationalizing a Trade Facilitation Portal
    3. Output 3: An advance ruling mechanism is established and operationalized
    4. Output 4: Legal and operational recommendations for border regulatory agencies to accept copies of requested documents is drafted and validated
    5. Output 5: Capacity of public private sectors on TFA is enhanced
    6. Output 6: The implementation modalities of Category A measures are reviewed and refined in view of the international best practices
    7. Output 7: Jordan’s pre-arrival processing mechanism is further expanded for increased usage
    8. Output 8: Recommendations towards an integrated risk management system are developed and endorsed
    9. Output 9: Jordan’s e-commerce ecosystem is reviewed and access to e-commerce related-information is increased

    This project is part of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) special initiative “Tackling the root causes of displacement - reintegrating refugees”. The project will be implemented as part of the Regional Refugee & Resilience Plan 2017-2018 in Response to the Syria Crisis (3RP). It aims to improve the trade for employment conditions for Jordanian companies.



    Objectifs de développement durable

    This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.