The Gambia: Strengthening community coping mechanisms to mitigate risks of conflicts and reduce climate-related tensions



    The project aims to mitigate growing conflict and tensions occurring among rural Gambian agricultural communities, which are affected by increasing impacts of climate change. This includes changes in precipitation patterns, declining agricultural yields, shorter growing seasons or rising sea-levels. 

    The project provides solutions for climate conflict through reducing the impact of its drivers by rehabilitating and protecting arable land, diversifying away from conflict drivers, developing income sources not reliant on rain-fed agriculture and solving existing conflicts through the strengthening of conflict resolution mechanisms. The project will be implemented by ITC, UNFPA and WFP in partnership with local implementing partners.

    ITC's interventions include the strengthening of local conflict resolution mechanism, the introduction of production techniques to improve the yields, developing new market solutions for agro-processing products and facilitating participation in trade fairs for communities. ITC will roll out vocational trainings to upgrade the skills of women and youth to adopt new sources of income generating activities.



    Objectifs de développement durable

    This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.