
Les publications de l'ITC sont centrées sur le secteur privé des pays en développement dont elles font entendre la voix en faveur d’un commerce durable. Nous offrons des conseils aux responsables des politiques commerciales, aux organisations d’appui aux entreprises et aux petites entreprises. Nos rapports présentent des perspectives qui permettront de rendre le commerce plus inclusif, plus vert, numérique et compétitif.


58 résultats
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This publication offers guidance to governments and businesses in value chains on how to make effective sustainability claims on products and, ultimately, aims at empowering consumers to make informed sustainable choices.Jointly produced with UN Environment and the UN 10YFP Consumer Information...


Voluntary standards have been rising fast, leading to similar standards operating in the same markets. This study finds multiple standards in 86 of 90 markets it reviewed, which creates confusion for consumers and producers alike. This joint report with the European University Institute is the...


Voluntary sustainability standards continue their growth across the world. This third global report provides new insights into the evolution of certified agriculture and forestry. ITC has teamed up once more with the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and the International...


Voluntary sustainability standards are in the mainstream, and no longer a novelty for niche markets. This second global report outlines data on area, production volume and producers for 14 major sustainability standards across bananas, cocoa, coffee, cotton, palm oil, soybeans, cane sugar, tea and...


While more than 40% of existing trade strategies identify trade integration and regionalism as crucial policy areas, less than 3% of the strategies are regional. Nor do they fully build on diversification opportunities in services and manufacturing.This is one of many trends in trade strategies,...


Tourism is a key trade development sector for many LDCs – as highlighted in 45 of 48 Diagnostic Trade Integration Studies analysed for this joint UNWTO-ITC-EIF report.A must-read for the development community in this International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, the report provides...


Saffron, the world’s most expensive spice, offers great potential for Afghan exporters. Developing a consistent based for quality is the key to unlocking a ‘red gold’ rush, a priority sector of Afghanistan’s national export strategy.This guide outlines how to build a quality saffron sector...


No water, no life! Water use and management have become central to the global debate on sustainability and are part of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Optimizing efficient water management at product, process and organizational levels is increasingly becoming important in supply chains,...


En raison de l’intérêt mondial au sujet de la diminution de la biodiversité et de la forte hausse du commerce illégal des espèces menacées, la politique internationale a tourné son attention aux restrictions commerciales, aux mesures d'exécution et aux stratégies de réduction de la...


Study explaining how to identify viable projects adapted to tourism supply chains in order to promote poverty reduction. It provides guidelines structured around three phases: 1) Diagnosis of Current Situation and Context includes tools to map the tourism value chain and the participation of the...


Le rapport de cette année est centré sur les échanges régionaux, la forme la plus courante d’échange pour les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME). Il montre que les accords commerciaux régionaux et profonds favorisent une croissance inclusive. Ces accords attirent l’activité des...


Tourism's huge potential for job growth and sustainable development justifies a greater share of aid and coordinated export strategies, outlined in this joint ITC- UNWTO report. Just 0.78% of Aid for Trade went to tourism in 2013, though the sector accounts for 6% of developing...
