
WEDF hailed as informative and engaging (en)

8 janvier 2013
ITC Nouvelles
World Export Development Forum participants have their say on event.

More than 900 delegates from 60 countries participated at the World Export Development Forum 2012 (WEDF) held in October in Jakarta, Indonesia. And the feedback from the participants is unison: WEDF is relevant, informative and engaging.

A survey carried out among the delegates to the event found that a majority (58%) found the event to be relevant, engaging and informative, while further 37% said that they ‘somewhat’ adhered to this view.

An overwhelming 72% of delegates to WEDF 2012 also said that they had acquired exclusive knowledge and insights during the event.

WEDF has over the years established itself as the main global event for policymakers and business leaders to explore development trends and prospects in emerging markets. This was also reflected in the survey, which showed that 53% of participants at WEDF 2012 came from governments, while 13% work in trade-support institutions and 8% were delegates working in international organizations. Delegates from business accounted for 20% of the participants, while 5% came from academia, NGOs and the media.