The Coffee Guide Network

The Coffee Guide Network is a global community of coffee experts that creates, curates, and disseminates neutral, practical resources and knowledge for the coffee sector. Join us!

    Who We Are

    The Coffee Guide Network is a pre-competitive network that serves as a vehicle to promote collaboration and partnerships to address pressing coffee sector challenges. It was born out of the unique collaboration to co-create the International Trade Centre’s acclaimed publication, The Coffee Guide, 4th Edition, in a bid to take coffee sustainability off the page and into collective action.
    The Coffee Guide Network exists to develop industry knowledge and make it accessible to all. We seek to evolve the coffee sector through collaboration across the value chain in partnership.
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    OUR GOAL is to produce practical resources that bridge information gaps for coffee sector professionals, policymakers, academia and consumers and to promote widespread co-creation and collective action. 


    The people
    behind the network

    In less than two years, the Coffee Guide Network has grown from 70 to over 154 engaged participants motivated to contribute their expertise toward building a more equitable, thriving, and sustainable coffee sector. These include:



    Nonprofits and


    Private sector

    Traders and
    trade associations


    Coffee professionals from government agencies


    Small producer organizations
    and associations

    academic institutions


    They contribute through learning and research initiatives chosen by the network each year to inform and update the Coffee Guide content.

    What We Do

    Our working process

    We work through a simple, three-step process:

    1. COLLABORATE: by selecting research topics at network plenary meetings. These become working groups to deepen knowledge on the topic with topical experts and value chain actors outside the network as well.
    2. CO-CREATE: new, practical resources in a pre-competitive way, pooling data, information, case studies, and expertise from across the global coffee sector.
    3. DISSEMINATE: knowledge products to a global audience through the network integration into training materials and programs participation in industry events contributions to prominent coffee sector publications ITC’s online Coffee Guide Resource Hub.



    We use ITC’s ‘Alliances for Action’ collaborative approach combined with data driven action research, to catalyze broad systems change for the coffee sector.​ Each year, the network prioritizes initiatives that address pressing coffee sector needs.

    Current Initiatives

    The growth in participation and interest in these three initiatives has shown the importance of them for the sector. We intend to build upon each of them to establish as on-going initiatives sharing important, reliable information to the coffee sector. Each year, the network will prioritize new research initiatives that address pressing coffee sector needs.

    Objectives & Results:
    • Produce updated, neutral statistics that reflect the way coffee is traded today, using the Coffee Guide’s three market segments: standard, premium, and specialized

    • Create pre-competitive Data Aggregation Advisory Group to vet data across sector

    • Refine Coffee Guide’s market segment definitions and methodology 

    • Close major gap in access to reliable, neutral market data.  

    • Market data held by few and in silos 


    What’s Next:
    • Formalize the pre-competitive Data Aggregation Advisory Group and methodology

    • Share data on Coffee Guide Resource Hub and at major industry events 

    Key Partner:

    ITC, International Coffee Organization (ICO) 

    23 Data Aggregation Advisory Group participants representing 16 different global coffee organizations, including roasters, major global tradehouses, associations, and certifiers 

    Data shared and aggregated from 30+ organizations including certifiers, export authorities, and companies 


    Objectives & Results:
    • Show who is doing what and where in sustainability in coffee producing countries

    • Database on initiatives from 498 organizations in coffee producing countries

    • Interactive webtool prototype created with data visualizations, validated with 3 rounds stakeholder feedback 

    • Major knowledge gap of who is doing what and where in sustainability within the coffee sector 

    • Resulting duplication of efforts and siloed approaches limits potential for impact 

    • Visibility on sustainability initiatives to promote collaboration, co-investment, and knowledge sharing to drive sustainable practices  

    • To identify overlaps and gaps to inform strategic funding decisions toward a more sustainable sector 

    What’s Next:
    • Expand the dataset and update the map annually in collaboration with partners 

    • Completion and global launch of tool on the ICO Global Knowledge Hub 

    • Link to other platforms with complementary information 

    Key Partners:

    ITC, ICO and the ICO Coffee Public Private Task Force, European Union Stakeholder feedback consultations with 30 organizations  

    498 organizations represented in dataset 

    Objectives & Results:
    • Promote and adapt Circular Economy in practice in the coffee sector 

    • Build knowledge, map and identify gaps in Circular Economy practices

    • Launched Center for Circular Economy in Coffee (C4CEC) pre-competitive collaboration

    • Position paper for Circular Economy for the Coffee Sector, which contributes to the 2023 ICO Coffee Development Report

    • Global sector survey in 4 languages, 300+ responses 


    Big gap in circular economy implementation (only 37% survey respondents) despite strong potential in improving living, environmental and economic conditions.


    What’s Next:
    • Membership in C4CEC + Service development + Leveraging projects

    • Promote and share best practices in Circular Economy peer to peer learning

    • Portal for connecting businesses with resource outputs / inputs

    • Collaborate with global Circular Economy foundations and events

    Key Partners:

    ITC, ICO, Lavazza Foundation, Politecnico di Torino University 

    Founding member of the Center for Circular Economy in Coffee (C4CEC) 

    46 working group members globally including ACRAM, Coffee Board of India, UNIDO, Fair Trade International, CLAC, International Women's Coffee Alliance, among others 


    Read The
    Coffee Guide

    4th Edition, an ITC publication

    25,000+ downloads in 2022-2023.


    Latest coffee data, trends and policy changes
    A summary of coffee’s sustainability framework 
    An explanation of the complex world of futures in trading
    The nuances of coffee quality from seed to cup
    A reference publication informed by industry experts
    A free resource in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish or Amharic


    Coffee Guide Resource Hub