
Got five minutes? Test the future ITC website information architecture

22 avril 2021
ITC News
Help us reorganize the website to make things easier to find

What is this about?

The International Trade Centre (ITC) is working on a new website to better reflect its digital presence.

We first asked our stakeholders to share their information needs and now we are asking them to test the beta version of the website information architecture. Our aim is to make our wealth of information easily accessible by our users.

How long does it take?

About five minutes.

How does the test work?

We’ll ask you to find some specific content using a simplified version of the ITC site. You will have to simply click on the links that you think will bring you to the content that you are looking for. It is not a test of your ability, there are no right or wrong answers. The test will give us valuable insights into understanding where the website users will expect to find content on the site.

What about privacy?

All the results are anonymous; we only look at results and not at participants.

Take the test now!