
Las publicaciones del ITC acercan la voz del mundo empresarial al comercio sostenible y se centran en los países en desarrollo. Ofrecemos asesoramiento a los encargados de formular políticas, las organizaciones de apoyo empresarial y las pequeñas empresas. Nuestros informes ofrecen información para facilitar que el comercio sea más inclusivo, ecológico, digital y competitivo.


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Online marketplaces are the dominant form of e-commerce for consumer goods in developed countries. They are also prominent across Africa, offering great potential to serve a new generation of consumers and open opportunities for small entrepreneurs. But little is known about these marketplaces in...


Esta publicación electrónica guía a los diplomáticos comerciales y representantes comerciales para navegar por el panorama comercial, brindar excelentes servicios y gestionar desafíos tanto personales como profesionales. Con historias de la vida real de diplomáticos comerciales, comentarios...

Trade policy for women took an international leap with the Buenos Aires Declaration on Trade and Women’s Economic Empowerment, agreed at the WTO Ministerial meeting of 2017. The International Gender Champions Trade Impact Group worked with over 40 countries to make it a reality.This report...

Boosting the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises is crucial to transform Benin into a resilient and sustainable economy.Limited access to finance, low rates of quality certification and shortfalls in infrastructure prevent small firms from thriving in Benin, according to ITC’s...

Increasing the competitiveness of small firms in the Philippines is vital to build resilience to shocks while promoting sustainable and inclusive growth.Companies that were more competitive before the COVID-19 crisis were less affected by it, according to ITC’s SME Competitiveness Survey. Firms...

Las empresas propiedad de mujeres representan sólo el 1% de la contratación pública.Este informe proporciona a los responsables de la formulación de políticas públicas, las oficinas de estadística y los oficiales de adquisiciones, herramientas para la reforma. Asesora sobre cómo diseñar una...

Few studies examine information technology and business process management in Africa. This report, based on research and interviews, analyses the tech sectors of 11 African countries and examines enabling factors such as information and communication technology infrastructure, government incentives...

The growth of South-South trade and investment has attracted donors and governments as a pathway to sustainable economic development.This report finds that South-South projects must be flexible and encourage adaptation of easily replicable solutions and technologies, while bridging information and...

COVID-19 is reshaping global value chains and policy landscapes. In this brief, leaders from government, business and women’s economic empowerment networks identify key trends and potential scenarios for women in trade.The brief presents nine actions that governments, corporations and the global...

COVID-19 is reshaping global value chains and policy landscapes. In this brief, leaders from government, business and women’s economic empowerment networks identify key trends and potential scenarios for women in trade.The brief presents nine actions that governments, corporations and the global...

Advanced economies have developed highly competitive and innovative e-commerce services, making it simple for small enterprises to set up online stores, transport their goods and receive payments. Although entrepreneurs in developing countries can sell online by accessing these services, most are...