
Información general


El ITC publica datos según los estándares de la IATI (Iniciativa Internacional para la Transparencia de la Ayuda) para el 90% de los fondos extrapresupuestarios del ITC en su Portal de datos abiertos.



Contributing to Bhutan’s export competitiveness by improving the marketing and branding capacities of selected MSMEs, producers and government officials within the framework of the “Brand Bhutan” initiative. The project will focus on organizing in-country training on Branding,...


Africa Fashion and Textile Network (Africa FAN) Phase 2 forms a part of the Special Initiative Training and Job Creation by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to contribute to the implementation of the Marshall Plan with Africa and the investment partnership G20...


The initiative channels ITC’s trade-led support to create economic opportunities for displaced people. Since 2017, ITC has worked with over 1,500 refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs), returning migrants, the local communities and their businesses to facilitate connection and access to...

97 - 108 resultados de 378

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