
Las publicaciones del ITC acercan la voz del mundo empresarial al comercio sostenible y se centran en los países en desarrollo. Ofrecemos asesoramiento a los encargados de formular políticas, las organizaciones de apoyo empresarial y las pequeñas empresas. Nuestros informes ofrecen información para facilitar que el comercio sea más inclusivo, ecológico, digital y competitivo.


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El documento Perspectivas de competitividad de las pymes plantea que las pequeñas y las medianas empresas son el «eslabón perdido» para el crecimiento inclusivo.Vertebrado en torno al tema Conectar, competir y cambiar para el crecimiento inclusivo, demuestra que las pymes son, en términos...

The SME Competitiveness Outlook argues that small and medium-sized firms are the ‘missing link’ to inclusive growth. Organized around the theme Connect, Compete, Change for Inclusive Growth, it shows that SMEs are generally less productive than large firms. The productivity gap is wider in...

This guide helps businesses understand India’s import regulations and standard requirements as they apply to least developed countries. Written in a frequently asked questions (FAQ) format, the guide helps exporters and trade policy officials of beneficiary countries, as well as the Indian private...

Tourism's huge potential for job growth and sustainable development justifies a greater share of aid and coordinated export strategies, outlined in this joint ITC- UNWTO report. Just 0.78% of Aid for Trade went to tourism in 2013, though the sector accounts for 6% of developing...

Funding, government relations and outreach are critical to sustain coalitions of services industries (CSIs).Best practices to sustain and grow CSIs are featured in this guide, which highlights the need to attract and retain members. Trade and investment support institutions, government ministries,...

International companies have become an increasingly important partner for ITC in its work to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries connect to world markets. Companies that already do business across borders have the expertise SMEs need to navigate complex...

Benefitting from the LDC services waiver depends on taking 10 key actions; ITC can help.The guide also outlines how ITC can work with LDCs to benefit from this new preferential access opportunity

Small firms in the world’s poorest countries are hit hardest by non-tariff measures, according to an ITC study on how businesses experience non-tariff measures in 23 developing countries.The impact of NTMs on companies and countries is highly uneven. Small firms are most affected (over 50%). NTMs...

Greater access to information about export opportunities is essential for determining SME export success.SMEs which participate in international trade are more productive than those which do not. Integration into global and regional markets is thus likely to help close the productivity gap between...

El cambio climático está reduciendo la competitividad en las exportaciones agrícolas de los países en desarrollo, en países tan diversos como el Perú y Uganda, según una encuesta llevada a cabo por el CCI con exportadores del sector agroalimentario en ambos países. Los exportadores...

Energy management techniques are at the fingertips of SMEs with this guide based on tried-and-true management systems – allowing them to reduce energy costs and boost profitability.The guide is structured in a Question and Answer format with a CD tool to diagnose a company’s energy footprint,...


Con la preocupación mundial acerca de la pérdida de biodiversidad y el aumento en el comercio ilegal de especies amenazadas, las políticas internacionales han centró su atención su atención a las restricciones comerciales, medidas de ejecución y estrategias de reducción de la demanda....