
Las publicaciones del ITC acercan la voz del mundo empresarial al comercio sostenible y se centran en los países en desarrollo. Ofrecemos asesoramiento a los encargados de formular políticas, las organizaciones de apoyo empresarial y las pequeñas empresas. Nuestros informes ofrecen información para facilitar que el comercio sea más inclusivo, ecológico, digital y competitivo.


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With the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the United Nations has called on the private sector to contribute more to achieving the sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).This report helps decision makers in the public and private sectors to understand where voluntary sustainability standards...

Companies in French-speaking Africa have not been spared by the COVID-19 pandemic. One-third are on the verge of bankruptcy, according to a joint study conducted by ITC and the Permanent Conference of African and Francophone Consular Chambers.Facing a fall in turnover, supply chain disruptions and...

L’approvisionnement de certains produits de santé a été mis à rude épreuve par la crise de la COVID‑19. Ce rapport indique que l’Afrique peut se positionner stratégiquement et développer une réponse régionale afin d’éviter de futures pénuries de ces produits.Garantir la santé des...

Conjointement publié par le CCI, l'OMC et la CNUCED, ce rapport annuel présente les conditions tarifaires d'accès aux marchés pour les marchandises telle qu'elles sont imposées par les 164 membres de l'OMC ainsi que par d'autres pays. Le rapport contient des statistiques agrégées sur les...

This life-skills curriculum for youth entrepreneurship and employability was developed by the International Trade Centre's Youth & Trade Programme in collaboration with UEFA Foundation for Children, Kick4Life and Streetfootballworld. The toolkit was developed to enable youth to build...

Upgrading quality infrastructure and enforcing quality compliance are key to Pakistan’s export development. A survey of almost 1,200 companies on non-tariff measures found that more than half of Pakistani exporters face regulatory or procedural trade-related obstacles. The report recommends...

COVID-19 has severely strained the supply of certain healthcare products. This report shows that Africa can position itself strategically and develop a regional response to avert future shortages of such products. Supporting health and positioning the continent strategically in the future trade...

The growth of South-South trade and investment has attracted the interest of funders and governments as a pathway to sustainable economic development.This report finds that South-South projects must be flexible and encourage adaptation of easily replicable solutions and technologies, while bridging...

The great Lockdown: Industrial Supply Chain DisruptionThis publication is an excerpt from the book COVID-19: The Great Lockdown and its Impact on Small BusinessThe excerpt, Country Profiles: Industrial Supply Chain Disruption, features information for 85 countries and territories.

Resumen ejecutivo - COVID-19: Perspectivas de competitividad de las PYMES 2020: El gran confinamiento y su impacto en las pequeñas empresas

This report presents recommendations to boost the participation of women in trade through free trade agreements. Policymakers and trade negotiators will find a new toolkit to gauge gender responsiveness in their agreements. These lessons are based on a research assessment of 73 selected free trade...

Promouvoir la compétitivité des PME en Afrique francophone - COVID-19: Renforcer la résilience des entreprisesLes entreprises d’Afrique francophone ne sont pas épargnées par la pandémie de COVID-19. Une étude réalisée avec la Conférence permanente des chambres consulaires africaines et...