
Una empresa beneficiaria del ITC ha creado un sistema de gestión en línea para una empresa danesa (en)

17 abril 2013
ITC Noticias
Informatix, a Bangladeshi online business benefiting from NTFII match-making programme, is to help streamline online operations for E-Invasion

A Bangladeshi business, which provides offshore custom development solutions, is helping a Danish company to streamline its operations online, following a business-to-business meeting arranged through the Netherlands Trust Fund Programme (NTFII) Bangladesh.

Mizanur Rahman, Founder and Chief Technical Officer of Informatix Technologies, based in Dhaka, said that his company invested a great deal of time and effort persuading E-Invasion A/S to connect their online shops and allow orders to be managed centrally. But, he said, once the system was up and running, the company was completely convinced. E-Invasion specializes in selling rapid tests and over-the-counter medical products online throughout Scandinavia.

Rahman said: “Since they had not seen such a system available in the market, they were a little skeptical about it at the beginning. Once we had the system running and verified by them, they were very happy with the solution and the robustness of the application.” The system is based on the LAMP platform and involves technology including PHP 5.3, a CodeIgniter MVC framework for PHP, MySQL, AJAX/jQuery, REST-based API, HTML5 and CSS3.

E-Invasion used assorted open-source solutions to operate its more than 20 e-shops in five countries and on separate servers. Seeking a way to contend with the logistical nightmare of managing orders in so many places and accurately managing delivery schedules, E-Invasion turned to Informatix, an SME that provides offshore custom development solutions, after the NTFII Bangladesh meeting.

Increased efficency

“When we met the client in Denmark, we knew exactly what they were looking for,” Rahman said. Informatix then developed solutions to help E-Invasion increase efficiency and to ensure employees could easily adapt to the new system.

“I think what made us different is that we gave them a simple solution to their complex problem which they understood, even though they don’t have a technical background,” Rahman said. “We were able to gain the confidence of the client by elaborating our solution to them and discussing the pros and cons of it.”

The outcome was a substantial order for Informatix and a system which will instantly notify E-Invasion of orders, suggest packing methods and determine from which location the goods should be dispatched to minimize delivery costs. Workers and packers now see only the orders they need to prepare for delivery, and each order shows images depicting the box contents. Employees can keep tabs on how many items they’ve packed with a click in the application, alleviating the need for a printed invoice and ensuring no goods are missing.

Rahman said that E-Invasion is so satisfied with the product that it has already asked Informatix to develop another solution integrating online reputation management into its new customer relationship management (CRM) system.

Learn more about ITC’s NTF II programme.