Global: Connecting climate smart businesses for the net-zero transition

    Información general


    Up to one million MSMEs currently have climate smart credentials, in the form of soft commitments to pledges, changes in practices following coaching practices, or through certifications validated by third party audits. Information about these businesses remains fragmented. There is currently no public platform where “climate smart” buyers can access information on climate competitive suppliers. The project aims to improve the visibility and transparency of this growing pool of MSMEs in developing countries by making these businesses more visible in the global marketplace (including vis-à-vis international buyers) through a new digital platform - a free global public registry of small businesses for climate action. The platform will first be implemented as a pilot proof of concept. It aims to create a unique space that will bring different stakeholders with the same goal under the same umbrella and ultimately serve as a market linkage platform for climate-conscious buyers and brands with climate-smart MSME suppliers. It leverages the existing IT infrastructure of the ITC Sustainability Map and would rely on the development of widespread partnerships to increase awareness of the global public registry to encourage climate smart trade and promote good existing practices on sustainability standards.


    Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

    Este proyecto contribuye a los siguientes Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, definidos en la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible.