United Kingdom Trade Partnerships Programme (UKTP)

    Información general


    Implemented from 3 June 2019 to 31 March 2023, ITC’s UKTP Programme works with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries to increase exports to the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU). 

    The programme partners with government agencies, business support institutions, industry associations and the private sector to improve trade and economic outcomes through better use of Economic Partnership Agreements including taking advantage of duty free and quota free access. It is funded by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 

    The programme is a unique platform to drive economic recovery following the COVID-19 health crisis by leveraging market intelligence, working with targeted sectors and institutions and facilitating export linkages. By supporting producers, UKTP is driving higher value at origin for producers and exporters, building new connections between local producers and global consumers and creating quality jobs in ACP countries especially for women and youth. 



    Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

    Este proyecto contribuye a los siguientes Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, definidos en la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible.



    Impacting Lives Through Trade

    Impacting Lives Through Trade
    Impacting Lives Through Trade


    The UKTP programme is changing lives and livelihoods for growers, producers and artists in nine countries across three continents. From coffee producers in the highlands of Papua New Guinea to the Penja pepper farmers in Cote d’Ivoire, exporters and their business support organisations have gained new access to international markets through the better understanding of Economic Partnership Agreements.  

    Our programme builds capacity through targeted training programmes, real-time access to market intelligence and representation at international trade fairs. With a strong focus on building women-owned businesses, the UKTP Programme has transformed the lives of women and youth in many agricultural, textile, creative arts, and related industries. 


    With specialty coffee we can build a relationship directly with the roasters who have the same goals as us – to be aware of ethical pricing for our farmers, dealing respectfully with the environment, making sure the person enjoying the coffee gets value for the cup and at the same time the farmer is being fairly compensated.
    Emma Wakpi
    With specialty coffee we can build a relationship directly with the roasters who have the same goals as us – to be aware of ethical pricing for our farmers, dealing respectfully with the environment, making sure the person enjoying the coffee gets value for the cup and at the same time the farmer is being fairly compensated.
    Emma Wakpi
    Jiwaka Coffee Ltd.

    UKTP videos

    UKTP programme

    UKTP programme 44 30 junio 2021
