Value Added to Trade



    This project presents deliverables for 2018, 2019 and 2020 to support implementation of the Value Added to Trade (VA2T) programme. This project expands scale, increases partnerships and delivers thought leadership on creating value in line with ITC’s strategic plan.

    In 2018, VA2T developed or consolidated methodologies including for Alliance for Action (A4A) and green finance; launched new approaches to “de-commoditization” and circular economy in textiles and clothing; and built a range of partnerships including with impact investors and the World Economic Forum. In 2019, VA2T will develop new methodologies including A4A approaches to farmer organizations and responsible investment; apply A4A to field projects in Ethiopia and Ghana benefiting thousands of farmers; apply de-commoditization and circular economy approaches in the field; develop new VA2T methods for the Tech Sector; and support an ITC-wide review of SME competitiveness. In 2020, VA2T will develop new methodologies in MSME Competitiveness (small business internationalization, entrepreneurship, sustainable finance, optimization of production and waste reduction), in transforming and marketing coffee for African producers, create a Community Based Tourism (CBT) toolkit and structure its the ITC Tourism offer.

    These methods and partnerships contribute to VA2T’s approach to supporting SMEs in increasing value added to their products and services and removing bottlenecks along value chains.


    Objectifs de développement durable

    This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.